miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014


John Keats

Section 1 - Biography

Fanny Brawne

Fanny Brawne was one of the most important persons in John Keats' life, the one with whom he shared various interests in common, his fiancée. There are numerous poems were Keats mentions Brawne; demonstrating his true love towards her.

Letter to Fanny Brawne:

“You must believe - you shall, you will - that I can do nothing, say nothing, think nothing of you but what has its spring in the love which has so long been my pleasure and torment.”

Charles Brown
Letter to Charles Brown:

Charles Brown was a British businessman and a close friend to Keats. When Keats was sick in 1820, Brown took care of him, lent him money, wrote his letters and paid his bills, showing his concern for his friend.  

“Write to George as soon as you receive this, and tell him how I am, as far as you can guess; and also a note to my sister – who walks about my imagination like a ghost – she is so like to Tom. I can scarcely bid you goodbye, even in a letter. I always made an awkward bow.”

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